Sunday, November 28, 2010

Artist Statement

I am Erin Flanagan and I am a second year student in my IB art class and I have been taking art classes for the last four years. I have taken Art Foundations, Painting, and Drawing. These previous experiences have given me background knowledge for my IB Art class which is proving to be a very challenging class. My skills have definitely increased since taking this class because I have experienced all new mediums I have never used before such as, photomontage, print making, and ceramics and making masks. My first experiences with these proved to be pretty detestable in my opinion. But I feel that I could now do better with these mediums because I know what to expect. My skills I feel have also developed in painting and drawing even though I have had previous contact with those mediums. I am planning on trying to start using water color paint instead of acrylic and I hope to find that it is easier for me, and that I enjoy using it much more. The purposes of many of my works have dealt largely with culture and I have delved into researching my Irish heritage. I have begun to develop a process with how I complete my art and it has made the completion of it much easier. I have been focusing on a way that will make my acrylic pieces look better and through endeavoring through many more works I think each one looks better than the last. I have been influence by many of my favorite things like movies and hobbies and I hope my perseverance shows in my art work. Overall I have enjoyed the class very much and would like to continue to grow in my skills and develop my own style that will make my art look better.        

Art from last year


Here are Seven of my artworks from last year in consecutive order. my favorite one is the pastel of the Dayton Feis Medal, because I enjoyed creating it and I like the shading I was able to accomplish with the image.